Activities that Exercise the Mind and Body
At VCA, our Athletic Director, PE Teachers and coaches encourage and promote the importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle through fitness activities and team sports. Our students learn valuable physical, social, mental and spiritual skills through games and sports taught in our physical education classes.

and Respect
Opportunities for Every Student
to be a Champion
With 37 divisional championships and 10 league championships in the last 9 years, Venture Christian Academy has a rich heritage of competitive sports teams. We are a member of the Bay Area Christian School Athletic League (BACSAL) which consists of 4 divisions and 21 Christian schools in the area. All students in 5th through 8th grades may try out for the teams. There is a high participation rate due to the no-cut policy and our proven athletic success.

Fall Sports
Boys Flag Football
Girls Slow-pitch Softball
Co-Ed Cross Country
Girls Powder Puff Flag Football

Winter Sports
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball

Early Spring Sports
Girls Volleyball
Boys Soccer

Late Spring Sports
Boys Volleyball
Girls Soccer
Co-Ed Track
Physical Education
1st – 5th grades: 2 times weekly
6th – 8th grades: 2-3 times weekly