Our Culture

At VCA, the intentional development of culture is one of the most important things we do. Culture is a natural outpouring of the shared values of an institution. What makes VCA an experience unlike any other is that our faculty, staff, parents, and students have a widely shared set of values based on our Christian faith that create culture naturally as an outpouring of who we are. This common set of characteristics permeates every part of our operations, and the result is an environment that is radically and positively different.

Academics and Programs


We strive to be truly outstanding in academics, athletics, and the arts. We set high expectations and work as one community to achieve greatness together.


Our teachers and students are serious about learning and enjoy the pursuit of understanding what is true and good across all curricula.


We believe students are in the process of becoming who God has created them to be, and we see failure as one of the most valuable opportunities to grow in our humanity.


We are high achievers who aspire to excellence in all disciplines, but we place an emphasis on balance so that students enjoy learning and have time to pursue a variety of other interests.

Spiritual Formation


Jesus offers a model for how to live and love with a beautiful combination of grace and truth. We are not legalistically pious, rather, we live a joyful life informed by His example.


The people of VCA care about others and embody a spirit of selflessness to share God’s love in our community and beyond to the ends of the earth.


We want to be the excellent at everything we do, but as Christians, we give glory to God for all good things and seek to put others ahead of ourselves. We exist to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Patience, Gentleness, and Kindness

These fruits of the spirit listed in Galatians 5 are attributes we aspire to embody in all our daily interactions.


We believe there is objective Truth, and that it is defined by the Bible. Our words and actions are guided by God’s Truth with grace.



Faculty and staff care about our students and invest in their lives as mentors.  Students respect and love their teachers, and the result is a deep sense of connection. Parents are vital members of a partnership in education.


Our community is uniquely comfortable, approachable, and down-to-earth.


VCA is a Spirit-filled community with a noticeable sense of joy


There is an incredible sense of energy and passion that is contagious across every grade level and program.


Learning, sports, the arts, and social life are meant to be enjoyed—VCA is made up of fun people who create a truly warm and engaging environment!