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Jeevan Vase

WHY VCA: I’m passionate about people knowing Jesus! I also love hearing what they are excited about and helping them take steps to make their passions actionable. I also love watching students grasp new concepts for the first time, and realize who God made them to be.
EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION: I earned a degree in Computer Science from Cal Poly SLO. Since then, I have done a number of jobs, most recently working with Waymo in a Software role, then working as a Product Manager at Adobe. I have also worked at Life360, Western Digital, and Hume Lake Christian Camps. I have worked with students from Kindergarten to college, either in ministry, coaching, or teaching, for 10+ years.
HOBBIES: I love everything active and have either played or coached basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, ultimate frisbee, spike ball, table tennis, snowboarding, and surfing. I enjoy reading and learning new things, especially in the realms of theology and personal development. Cooking, playing board/card games, and spending quality time with friends and family are also top-notch activities.
FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: James 1 is my favorite chapter, specifically verses 2-5. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
INTERESTING FACTS: I have a deep appreciation and passion for other cultures, with my own family being spread across five continents. After college I spent eight months doing missions work in 8 different countries throughout Africa and Asia. Interesting/fun jobs I have done include professional taste testing, lifeguarding, and video game testing. I played table tennis and spike ball competitively for Cal Poly SLO and have been on ESPN.