Michelle Castaneda
WHY VCA: Teaching children has always been my passion. This year, at VCA, I am thrilled to be able to teach my students and pray with them in their struggles. I strive to create a classroom environment filled with God’s love, where students can feel free to make mistakes and learn as we all experience God’s grace.
EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION: I have been teaching for over 18 years, most of that time in primary grades. I have experience with students from grades Kindergarten through high school. I received my Elementary Education degree and California teaching credential from Bethany College, a private Christian school. There, I learned from amazing Christian educators who mentored me as a new teacher. Then I attended Harvard University, where I received my master’s in Education with an emphasis in Human Development and Psychology. I also completed my California administrative credential from the Santa Clara County Office of Education.
HOBBIES: I love to read and write, mostly Christian fiction. I also love traveling, hiking, and baking.
FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Psalms 16:5-6
INTERESTING FACTS: I have been married to my husband for twenty-one years. I first met my husband in middle school at another Christian school in San Jose. We have one son in sixth grade at VCA.