Rosalina Soli
WHY VCA: What inspires me daily is engaging with students, getting individuals to discover their potential, and motivating pupils to trust Jesus and His plan for their lives.
EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION: I grew up in what is now known as Downtown San Jose. With my family, I attended a small Spanish-speaking church where I accepted Christ as my Savior. As a young girl, I enjoyed the sights and sounds of the classroom, which influenced my decision to become a teacher. After high school, I attended Notre Dame de Namur University, where I earned a B.A. in Behavioral Science, followed by a multiple-subject teaching credential. After graduate work, I married my college sweetheart, with whom I have been married for 38 years. Since then, I have taught grades 1-6, Middle School English and Spanish grades K-8 worked as an educational therapist and program director, served as an interim vice principal, and later as a Dean of Students. As a 30+ year field veteran, my involvement in education has been varied and greatly rewarding. I begin my 24th year here at VCA, where the school community is my second family.
HOBBIES: I enjoy reading, gardening, hiking, and traveling.
INTERESTING FACTS: My husband and I are rugby 7’s fans. Go Manu Samoa!